قصة بقلم :
محمود الديداموني
ثار على كبته ، أمسك بعكازه من طرفه المفرود ، راح يجر أرجل المارين أمامه ، أداره فى يده ، زأر كالأسد ، من يقف أمامه يلهبه على ظهره ، ضرب بكل قسوة ، نظر إلى بذلاتهم الأنيقة رنات الموبايلات تتصاعد من جيوبهم ، عاود الضرب ، أفقدهم الوعى ، أراد أن يبول عليهم ، فعل ، راح يرش وجوههم فى كبرياء ، بينما تتعالى ضحكاته ، أحس بسخونة تتسرب تحت جسده انتبه لتوه ، مازالت المياة تنحدر ، لتتسع البقعة وتحترق عيدان الكبرياء .
A lion
By :
Mahmoud Al-Didamouny
Translated by :
Hassan Hegazy
He rebelled against his books . held his crutch from its straight end , he began to drag the passers-by in front of him, he rolled it in his hand , he roared like a lion , he hit whoever faced him on his back , struck very hard , looked at their smart suits and the ringing of their mobiles that were rising out from their pockets , again he hit , they were out of conscious ,he tried to urinate on them , he did , sprayed their faces proudly , while he burst into laughter , he felt heat leaking under his skin , paid attention , water was still falling , the patch got wider and wider burning the rods of his arrogance .